Chorus / Band

Throughout the year, LME 4th and 5th grade chorus members meets every week. The purpose is to refine vocal skills. The chorus practices for future performances, discusses the meaning and influences of the song choice, and have a wonderful time! There are a variety of performance opportunities in the school and around the community. Please contact Mrs. Walton if you have any questions.
There are two bands at LME. The Beginning band introduces 4th and 5th grade students to band instruments, reading music notation, and working as a ensamble to create music together. The Beginning band works to gain the skills to perfrom a concert at the end of the school year. The Second Year Band continues where the Beginning Band leaves of, by refining thier skills in music reading and musicianship. They have two performances in the school year. One for the school at the winter sing-a-long and a second performance at the End of the Year Concert. For more information, contact Mrs. Walton.